Evolution Fresh
AJK teamed up with Ledcor Construction to completely remodel an existing 250,000 s.f. warehouse to build Evolution Fresh, North America's largest fresh juice production and distribution facility. The building required extensive renovations and upgrades to accommodate the new facility including new utility systems, process production equipment, automation packaging systems, electrical service upgrades, wastewater treatment, compressed steam and air, and mechanical systems.
The project had to be completed under a phased permitted fast-track approach to accommodate the accelerated project schedule and Starbucks' operational completion time frame requirements. AJK provided power and lighting for the whole project. Additional phases included wastewater expansion and fire sprinkler retrofit.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Build Partners
Ledcor Construction
Vertrees A&E
​260,000 sq.ft.
Delivery Method
Photos Courtesy of Ledcor Group